Education and Psychology

Effective School Management  (Book with DVD)

Effective School Management (Book with DVD)

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  • About the Editor
    • This book illustrates an investigation into the extent to which a sample of schools can be determined as having restructured their curriculum delivery and management procedures to have become more effective schools.
    • A valuable source for anyone on a school manager position, it deals with the fundamentals of what management is and the many roles performed by school management.
    • Directed towards the leadership demands on managers, both within the school and in its community setting.

Schools need leaders with a vision for improving the school’s learning environment within a well-functioning school-based management. School management involves setting school directions concerning students, teacher development, and allocation of material and financial resources. Effective school management impacts motivation, commitment, and student and teacher success by: facilitating school leadership that is both appropriate to the unique context and needs of the school community, developing and implementing school improvement plans, establishing fair and effective teacher appraisal systems, structuring classrooms and schools according to school needs, building partnerships with the community, and ensuring that frameworks exist to support the functions of other school departments and personnel. Effective school managers design a school improvement process to guide their work.