Agriculture and Life Sciences

Concepts in Plant Physiology (Book with DVD)

Concepts in Plant Physiology (Book with DVD)

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  • Description
  • About the Editor
    • Provides the basics for introductory courses on plant physiology.
    • Detailed and informative illustrations complement the text.
    • Presents information in a succinct and user- friendly way.

Plant Physiology is the science which deals with the functions of cells, tissues, organs or the plant as a whole. It is the study of vital processes of plants. Plant physiology is the study of the plant way of life which includes aspects of plants life, its survival, metabolic activities, water relations, mineral nutrition, development, movement, irritability, organization, growth and transport processes. Physiological process may be de ned as any chemical or physical change occurring within a cell or organism and any exchange of substances between the cell or organism and its environment. According to this de nition of life process or Physiological process, the physical process of di usion (including osmosis, gas di usion, transpiration), water conduction, solute absorption, absorption or loss or transport of radiant energy and other internal physical changes or exchanges with the environment would be considered as physiological process, similarly all metabolic changes like those concerned in respiration, photosynthesis, synthesis or degradation of lipids, amino acids, proteins etc. , when they occur within the cell or organism would be considered as physiological process.