Animal and Veterinary Science

Animal Genetics and Breeding

Animal Genetics and Breeding

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  • About the Editor
    • Promotes modern, technologically up-to-date approach to animal breeding.
    • Highlights on how improved animal production and the economic value of animals
    • Provides a useful knowledge to employ in the field of animal genetics and breeding

Animal breeding and genetics is the branch of science concerned with maximizing desirable genetic traits, such as producing animals that have leaner meat. Animal geneticists have identi ed elements within genes that can enhance animal growth, health, and ability to utilize nutrients. These genetic advances can increase production while reducing environmental impacts. The study of heredity in animals, animal genetics involves topics such as gene expression, color genetics and animal breeding. Continue reading to explore education options and possible career paths in this scienti c  eld of study. Animal breeding is a branch of animal science that addresses the evaluation (using best linear unbiased prediction and other methods) of the genetic value of livestock. Selecting for breeding animals with superior EBV in growth rate, egg, meat, milk, or wool production, or with other desirable traits has revolutionized livestock production throughout the world.