Business and Management

3GE Collection on Business Management: Business Technologies

3GE Collection on Business Management: Business Technologies

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  • About the Editor
    • Examines strategic, organizational and managerial impacts of technology on business firms that demonstrates means to gain competitive advantage.
    • Provides a consistent integration of business technologies in an organized environment, thus enabling simplified data delivery.
    • Covers a broad range of applications of computer science methods and algorithms in business practice.

Technological advances in the past few decades have critically improved the competitive nature of the economic business world. Corporations have used software, computers and the Internet to renovate their businesses from local places of business to national and global market competitors. Many businesses have responded to these changes by automating their business processes and adapting industry-related information and utilizing it to their advantage. Technology has also impacted businesses to endure flexible, adapting their operations to newer and better technological advances. Business owners once had very few tools at their disposal: little more than a basic adding machine and paper records. Today’s business owners can complete their duties much more effectively than their predecessors with an assortment of technological tools at their disposal. By using these techtools, corporations and employees enjoy a number of business-associated benefits. Changing Internet accumulation technologies, with social networks, blogs and subscription databases, are becoming vital tools needed to achieve and maintain advantages within the business sector. The transmission of information is a noteworthy impact of information technology in business. Organizations gather information from both internal and external sources with more competently than in previous years. Email is now a common form of business communication that results in near-instant messages that deliver important information.

The information revolution is sweeping through our economy. No company can escape its effects. Dramatic reduction in the cost of achieving, processing, and transmitting information is changing the mode by which we do business.
This book explains the ready technology adoption process in detail, enabling corporations to exploit new technology immediately and effectively. The book moves towards the explaining and distinguishing impact IT has on internal and corporate strategies in small and medium enterprises. It examines strategic, organizational and managerial impacts of technology on business firms that demonstrates means to gain competitive advantage.

The information revolution is sweeping through information is changing the mode by which we do business. Many organizations in most our economy; no organization can escape its effects. Dramatic reduction in the cost of achieving, processing, and transmitting industries have little choice but to implement some form of information
technology in order to remain both innovative and on the cutting edge of competitive advantage. Continuing focus on the overall areas and mission of an organization whereas looking at Technology assists management to make suitable investments, reduce cost, and provide value. This novel edition provides knowledge that forms the basis for successful co-engineering of the adaptive complex enterprise for services delivery. Business Technologies is an essential guide for anyone looking to take the next steps in business innovation.