Computer Science

3GE Collection on Computer Science: Data Mining & Warehousing

3GE Collection on Computer Science: Data Mining & Warehousing

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  • About the Editor
    • This book provides a systematic introduction to the principles of Data Mining and Data Warehousing.
    • This comprehensive guide aims to provide practical, step-by-step directions for designing and delivering data warehousing and mining applications.

The concept of data warehousing is deceptively simple. Data is extracted periodically from the applications that support business processes and copied onto special dedicated computers. Corporations become overcrowded with complicated data and if they are able to transform them into useful information, they will have the advantage of being competitive. Have you ever think about the recommendations you get when you shop online. If you purchase for example a TV online, the website recommends you another product that you really need to get. Also have ever thought about the alerts you get from your bank when you do a sudden use of your credit card in a different city. Actually these are examples of data mining which is the process of discovering useful patterns in a huge data set. This gigantic data is created by adding current and historical data from diverse sources and store them primarily in a special repository called Data Warehousing (DW). There it can be validated, reformatted, reorganized, summarized, restructured, and supplemented with data from other sources.

This book ‘Data Mining & Warehousing’ is intended to show the importance of using data warehousing and data mining nowadays. It also aims to illustrate the process of data mining and how it can help decision makers to make better decisions. In this book, we discuss about the data warehouse design and usage as well as various approaches to the data ware house design and usage process and the steps involved.
Data warehousing is a significant repository particularly for the historical data and non-every-day transactions. For instance, the old data of customer purchase transactions at modern supermarkets. Storing this kind of data in a regular database will make it very gigantic and then slower performance. For those reasons the historical data and every-day transactions should be archived in a data warehouse for data mining purposes.
The resulting data warehouse becomes the main source of information for report generation, analysis, and presentation through ad hoc reports, portals, and dashboards. Many early adopters found it to be costly, time consuming, and resource intensive. Over the years, it has earned a reputation for being risky. This is especially true for those who have tried to build data warehouses themselves without the help of real experts.
This novel edition shows design and implementation of data warehouse as well as the use of data mining algorithms for the purpose of knowledge discovery as the basic resource of adequate business decision making process. Data warehouse as a modern technological concept actually has the role to incorporate related data from vital functions of companies in the form that is appropriate for implementation of various analyses. This book serves as beneficial guide for undergraduate and graduate-level students in computer science. This book is also suitable for practitioners and researchers in industry.