Computer Science

Illustrated Handbook of Multimedia Technologies

Illustrated Handbook of Multimedia Technologies

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  • About the Editor
    • Offers an in-depth explanation of multimedia technologies within their many specific application areas as well as presenting developing trends for the future.
    • This book will explore the characteristics of both community and mentoring within the framework of a technology-supported virtual community.

Multimedia technologies enable the users to integrate and manipulate data from diverse sources such as video, images, graphics, animation, audio and text on a single hardware platform. Now multimedia has become the latest cultural phenomena in the information sector. The rapid ascent of multimedia technology over the last decade has brought about fundamental changes to computing, entertainment and education. The exponential growth of multimedia technologies and applications has presented the computerized society with opportunities and challenges that in many cases are unprecedented. It is becoming more and more popular because of the effectiveness of its applications in all aspects of human life. Multimedia applications have progressed to the point of sparking a fundamental paradigm shift in the very concept of information transfer and presentation.

Illustrated Handbook of Multimedia Technologies provides an introduction to pure and applied graph theory with an emphasis on algorithms and their complexity.
In twenty-first century multimedia is used on internet for various multimedia applications. Now most of the websites on internet have multimedia capabilities. Multimedia blogs, audio and video archives, podcasts, multimedia galleries, webcasts, multimedia in social networking websites etc are today’s common applications of multimedia on internet. The trend is towards the recognition of the existence of a diverse ecosystem constituting the space of media in which specific clusters get naturally grouped together in optimal subsets most suitable for a particular application. The field finally seems to be moving away from the question of “what is multimedia?” to “what is the most appropriate multimedia?” Some important problems arising out of this use of diverse media is effective assimilation of information as well as the appropriate utilization of the significant content.

Illustrated Handbook of Multimedia Technologies gives students a strong foundation in the concepts and practices of digital multimedia and allows the text to focus on the more creative end of business technology.