Computer Science

Theory, Practice and Techniques in Computer Science

Theory, Practice and Techniques in Computer Science

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  • About the Editor
    • An inspiring introduction to the field and its core principles, considering computer science as a science of symbol processing.
    • Providing comprehensive coverage of computer applications in industry, school, work, education, and the home, this book is the ideal tool for students, professionals, and anyone who uses computers.
    • Describes the aspects of mathematical logic that are closely related to each other, including classical logic, constructive logic, and modal logic.

Computer technology has been swiftly evolving over the past two decades, specifically because of the high demand for personal and institutional computers. Computer Science has had a big impact on the growth of modern society. Understanding computer application trends is vital to predicting where computer technology is heading in the future. Computer science is an expanding field driven by emerging application domains and improving hardware and software that eliminate old bottlenecks even as they create new challenges and opportunities for Computer Science. There was a time when technological advances in the field of computer science were greatly beneficial to society. With more raw computational powers novel understandings of the world were possible: Everything from statistical models of weather patterns, to the sequencing of the human genome, to improvements in telecommunication greatly benefited from them. We allocated millions of dollars to research and development because there was a premise that with greater computation, better understanding of the world would be possible which in turn would lead us to live healthier and more productive lives. Today however, our most pressing global issues benefit less and less from raw technological advances. Computers appear in almost every aspect of our society, and are still increasing in popularity. From banking, shopping and communicating to driving our cars, controlling our homes and making decisions for us - there’s very little a computer can’t do. And if a computer can’t do it, chances are someone’s trying to make it do it. Technology will continue to dominate our communities. It can be said of all large organizations, whether the department government or private, use a computer for a variety of their daily business and it is the fastest growing industries in the world today. Each organization usually has one or more large computer systems and a number of microcomputer. The system is a great computer for data processing tasks, while many small microcomputer to use as word processing. Computers have become part of our lives is essential.

“Theory, Practice and Techniques in Computer Science” introduces to the field and its core principles, considering computer science as a science of symbol processing. Providing comprehensive coverage of computer applications in industry, this book is the ideal tool for students, professionals, and anyone who uses computers. The each chapter contains specific key notes, learning objectives, comprehensive indicative content, tables, and illustrations together with the topic areas.