Computer Science

Theory, Practice and Techniques in Database Management Systems

Theory, Practice and Techniques in Database Management Systems

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  • About the Editor
    • This book provides simple and comprehensive explanation of fundamentals of database management systems.
    • The book serves as essential reading material for students and computer professionals who are in the area of multimedia databases.

Database Management Systems (DBMS) are critical components of modern information systems. The fast pace of development in this area makes it difficult for information security professionals to keep up the current advances and to appreciate the limitations of the presents generation of products. Database applications are widespread and assortment in size from small in-memory databases to terabytes or more in several applied fields. The database management system provides techniques to organize, store, retrieve and interact with the data in the database. Database management systems are used to assist developers to generate a database, fill it with information and create techniques to query and change that information without having to worry about the technical aspects of data storage and recovery. In the current scenario, the data manager now sits in the center of a mutiny turning about organizations. In current global economy, opportunities and threats are coming in from numerous directions. As business leaders know that the crucial to achievement in hyper-competitive markets is the ability to leverage data to draw insights that predict and provide prescriptive action to stay ahead of markets and customer preferences. For that, they need to keep up with the latest solutions and approaches in data management.
This book focuses on the fundamentals of knowledgebase and relational database management systems, and the state of art developments in database theory and their practice.

It covers topics such as conceptual data modeling, relational data model, relational query languages, relational database design and transaction processing and current technologies such as semantic web, parallel and noSQL databases.
It discloses the students and practicing to the fundamental concepts and techniques in database use and development as well offers a base for research in databases. These and related topics are considered in this text. The new edition has been organized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught.