Computer Science

Web Programming

Web Programming

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  • About the Editor
    • Teaches the essentials of working with the most important web technologies.
    • Discusses approaches to designing and building complex software systems of any kinds.
    • Offers real-world examples demonstrating a variety of web development programming languages and tools.

Programming is the intricate art of telling a computer what to do. It is giving written instructions in a logical manner that the computer can understand. Essentially, you give the computer small steps of instructions, and the computer goes down the list, doing each one in order. Programming allows you to make new software and have the computer do new things. Web site programming is the same except you write applications or web pages that are used by a web browser. Web programming refers to the writing, markup and coding involved in Web development, which includes Web content, Web client and server scripting and network security. The most common languages used for Web programming are XML, HTML, JavaScript, Perl 5 and PHP. Web programming is di erent from just programming, which requires interdisciplinary knowledge on the application area, client and server scripting, and database technology. This book will help you understand, what web programming is and why you might want to do it. Web programming is the practice of writing applications that run on a web server and can be used by many di erent people.