Education and Psychology

3GE Collection on Education: Web-Based Teaching & Learning

3GE Collection on Education: Web-Based Teaching & Learning

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  • About the Editor
    • Addresses many issues, trends, opportunities and problems facing colleges and universities in the effective utilization and management of Web-based learning and learning.
    • Displays how learning through the internet depends on complex human interactions for success.
    • Understanding of approaches to online teaching and the emergence of pedagogies that will ensure online teaching and learning materials are effective.
    • This book is an online learning classic and is essential for students or anyone teaching online or developing online courses and process.

The rapid technological change and increase of information resources are features of our contemporary society. Multimedia on the Internet, telecommunications, wireless applications, handheld electronics, social network software, Web 2.0, and onwards are all fundamentally redefining the methods people acquire information and the way to teach and learn. The rapid development of computer and Internet technologies has dramatically increased the ways of teaching and learning. Among these new approaches, online Web-based education has become a promising field.

The convergence of the Internet and learning in e-Learning qualifies eLearning as Internet-enabled learning, in terms of using Internet technologies to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere. One of the objectives of e-Learning is the delivery of individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time - people and organizations need to keep up with the rapid changes and advancements of knowledge related to different disciplines, as well as to keep ahead of the rapidly changing global economy. Another objective is to facilitate the development of learning communities - communities of knowledge, linking learners and practitioners with teachers and experts. A clear understanding of these concepts and their fundamental differences is important for both the educational and training communities. Applying each of these terms adequately is essential to assuring reliable communication between clients and vendors, members of technical teams, and the research community. A thorough knowledge with each concept and its distinctive characteristics is a critical factor in establishing adequate specifications, appraising alternative options, selecting best solutions, and enabling and promoting effective learning practices.
This novel edition “Web-Based Teaching & Learning” encompasses all aspects and processes of education that use World Wide Web as a communication medium and supporting technology. There are a number of important concepts related to Web-based education, such as e-Learning, distance education, and adaptive learning. The objective of this text is to introduce such concepts and the related technologies. Consequently, Web-Based learning has become one of the most exciting, dynamic, and yet challenging fields that we have been facing. What is the Web-Based learning? Where are we now? Where has progress been made? What will the future bring? What are the key elements of Web-Based learning and teaching we need to focus on? How will we face and rise to new opportunities and challenges? In order to shed light on these questions, this study intends to look at Web-Based teaching and learning from historical, conceptual, pedagogical and empirical perspectives. Addressing many issues, trends, opportunities and problems facing colleges and universities in the effective utilization and management of Web-based learning and teaching; this innovative text provides students, practitioners, and decision makers in the field of education with essential, up-to-date techniques in designing more effective learning systems and scenarios using Web-based technologies.