Engineering and Technology

Advanced Power Electronics    (Book with DVD)

Advanced Power Electronics (Book with DVD)

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  • Description
  • About the Editor
    • Presents comprehensive introduction to power electronics.
    • Covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, and analytical methods.
    • Concludes with modern power electronic system integration techniques and trends.

Power electronics is the study of switching electronic circuits in order to control the  ow of electrical energy. It is the technology behind switching power supplies, power converters, power inverters, motor drives, and motor soft starters. It also refers to a subject of research in electronic and electrical engineering which deals with the design, control, computation and integration of nonlinear, time-varying energy-processing electronic systems with fast dynamics. Almost all the new electrical and electromechanical equipment contain power circuits. The power levels encountered in this  eld range from less than one watt in supplies for the battery-operated portable equipment to tens, hundreds, or thousands of watts in power units of o ce equipment, kilowatts to megawatts in variable-speed motor drives, approaching megawatts in the recti ers and inverters that interface the local transmission lines with the high power systems.