Engineering and Technology

Chemical Reaction Engineering    (Book with DVD)

Chemical Reaction Engineering (Book with DVD)

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  • About the Editor
    • Systematic study of chemical reaction engineering.
    • Examines the behavior of chemical reactions and reactors; conservation equations for reactors.
    • Introduces qualitative arguments, simple design methods, graphical procedures, and frequent comparison of capabilities of the major reactor types.

Chemical reaction engineering is a specialty in chemical engineering or industrial chemistry dealing with chemical reactors. Frequently the term relates speci cally to catalytic reaction systems where either a homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst is present in the reactor. Sometimes a reactor per se is not present by itself, but rather is integrated into a process, for example in reactive separations vessels, retorts, certain fuel cells, and photocatalytic surfaces. The issue of solvent e ects on reaction kinetics is also considered as an integral part. In the modern chemical industry the aim is to achieve high-quality products and minimize unwanted by-products. Selectivity in the reactor is particularly important in processes in which by-products cause environmental problems. In processes where very high purity is required for legislative reasons, such as in the pharmaceutical industry, the cost of puri cation becomes important and reactor performance is of vital signi cance.