Hotel and Restaurant Management
In general, though, confectionery is divided into two broad and somewhat overlapping categories, bakers’ confections and sugar confections. Bakers’ confectionery, also called flour confections, includes principally sweet pastries, cakes, and similar baked goods. Bakery and confectionery are both shops that sell food items. The main difference between bakery and confectionery is that a bakery is a place where baked food items are sold whereas confectionery is a place where sweet food items are sold. Not all products in the bakery are sweet. Similarly, not all the sweets in the confectionery are baked. In the Middle East and Asia, flour-based confections are more dominant.
This Second Edition of ‘Bakery and Confectionery Startup’ gives a succinct account of the practical and theoretical concepts, the methods and processes involved in the preparation of various bakery and confectionery products. The content is revised and updated in this edition.
This edition is intended to should fulfill setting a standard for both the preparation of bakery products and for the uniform appearance of the end products. Content coverage includes cake decorating methods, including basic cake preparation and materials, piping techniques, fondant and gum paste accents, and miscellaneous techniques. The book aims to provide comprehensive information on different types of bakery and confectionery products. The book is aimed for food technologist, students, as well as for new entrepreneurs and those who are engaged in this industry.