Hotel and Restaurant Management

Hospitality E-marketing    (Book with DVD)

Hospitality E-marketing (Book with DVD)

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  • About the Editor
    • Shows how to apply the principles of marketing within the hospitality industry.
    • Covers e-marketing strategies for all types of hospitality businesses.
    • Describes the impact that the internet has had on both marketing and hospitality.

E-marketing is also known as Internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing or digital marketing. It is growing at a dramatic pace in the hospitality industry and is signi cantly impacting the business behaviors since it drives more revenue than traditional marketing. A successful e-marketing strategy should comprise a set of speci c e-actions that help hoteliers reach their planned objectives. In any business, a solid marketing strategy is critical to building a brand, attracting new customers and maintaining loyalty. The hospitality industry is no di erent. Because customer loyalty is key, marketing managers and executives devote a lot of time and resources to building brand awareness and creating ongoing, interconnected campaigns. These marketing e orts usually include both print and digital collateral that target former guests while also attracting new clientele. However, this particular industry has a unique set of challenges that must be overcome. Understanding the importance of marketing in the hospitality industry can help you get ahead and stand out in the competitive job market.