Hotel and Restaurant Management

Hotel Sales and Revenue Management   (Book with DVD)

Hotel Sales and Revenue Management (Book with DVD)

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  • About the Editor
    • Provides concise ideas to start a revenue management culture in all departments.
    • Explores revenue management from the lodging, foodservice, and integrated perspectives.
    • Enhances skills to reap opportunities in hospitality industry.

Revenue Management is the application of disciplined analytics that predict consumer behavior at the micro-market level and optimize product availability and price to maximize revenue growth. The primary aim of Revenue Management is selling the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price and with the right pack. The essence of this discipline is in understanding customers' perception of product value and accurately aligning product prices, placement and availability with each customer segment. Revenue management helps to predict consumer demand to optimize inventory and price availability in order to maximize revenue growth. The purpose of Revenue Management is not selling a room today at a low price to sell it tomorrow at a higher price. Revenue Management also means selling a room at low price today if you do not expect higher demand. Revenue Management is a concept that not only maximes in high period demand, it helps stimulating demand in low periods while avoiding pricing cannibalism. Revenue Management is long term strategic, takes all revenue with their pro tability into consideration, can sell low rates even in high demand period.