
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Book with DVD)

Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Book with DVD)

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  • Description
  • About the Editor
    • Presents a thorough grounding in the techniques of mathematical modeling, and proceeds to explore a range of classical and continuum models from an array of disciplines.
    • Delivers a wide variety of common types of models, as well as some new types, and presents each in a unique, easy-to-understand format.
    • Devoted entirely to introducing the student to the second approach: to study deterministic mathematical models and, on the basis of mathematical results on the models.

Mathematical modeling is the art of translating problems from an application area into tractable mathematical formulations whose theoretical and numerical analysis provides insight, answers, and guidance useful for the originating application. Since the modeling of devices and phenomena is essential to both engineering and science, engineers and scientists have very practical reasons for doing mathematical modeling. In addition, engineers, scientists, and mathematicians want to experience the sheer joy of formulating and solving mathematical problems.