
Problems in Electricity and Magnetism

Problems in Electricity and Magnetism

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  • About the Editor
    • Introduced students to the concepts of electricity and magnetism.
    • Traces the history of theories about electricity and magnetism.
    • Describes what electricity is and how it is generated, stored, and used.

Electricity and magnetism are manifestations of a single underlying electromagnetic force. Electromagnetism is a branch of physical science that describes the interactions of electricity and magnetism, both as separate phenomena and as a singular electromagnetic force. A magnetic  eld is created by a moving electric current
and a magnetic  eld can induce movement of charges (electric current). The rules of electromagnetism also
explain geomagnetic and electromagnetic phenomena by explaining how charged particles of atoms interact.
There is much symmetry between electricity and magnetism. It is possible for electricity to give rise to magnetism, and symmetrically for magnetism to give rise to electricity (as in the exchanges within an electric transformer). It is an exchange of just this kind that constitutes electromagnetic waves. These waves, although they don't need a medium of propagation, are slowed when traveling through a transparent substance.