
Problems in Thermodynamics

Problems in Thermodynamics

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  • About the Editor
    • Presents more useful, more practical, and more informative text.
    • Provides an introduction to the study of thermodynamics.
    • Numerous solved examples and end of-chapter problems are provided.

Thermodynamics is the  eld of physics that deals with the relationship between heat and other properties
(such as pressure, density, temperature, etc.) in a substance. Speci cally, thermodynamics focuses largely on how a heat transfer is related to various energy changes within a physical system undergoing a thermodynamic process. Such processes usually result in work being done by the system and are guided by the laws of thermodynamics. Each law leads to the de nition of thermodynamic properties which help us to understand and predict the operation of a physical system. The heat of a material is understood as a representation of the energy contained within the particles of that material. This is known as the kinetic theory of gases, though the concept applies in varying degrees to solids and liquids as well. The heat from the motion of these particles can transfer into nearby particles, and therefore into other parts of the material or other materials, through a variety of means.