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  • Theory, Practice and Techniques in Optics & Physics


Theory, Practice and Techniques in Optics & Physics

Theory, Practice and Techniques in Optics & Physics

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  • About the Editor
    • Gives students from fundamental ideas to the most modern developments in optics.
    • Concerned with recent developments in the general area of optical physics.
    • Presents a systematic account of optical coherence theory within the framework of classical optics.

Light plays a main role in human doings. Light is essential to the survival of life itself, and the numerous applications of light have transformed society through medicine, communications, entertainment and culture. Industries based on light are key economic drivers, and light-based technologies directly respond to the needs of humankind by providing access to information, promoting sustainable development, and increasing societal health and well-being. However, light is not limited to the narrow band of wavelengths we can see, but extends across a broad spectrum including long wavelength radio waves down to short wavelength x-rays and gamma-rays. With such diversity the field of optics, the science of light, naturally spans a similarly broad range of application and technology - from communication, sensing and imaging, and precision measurements, to making observations of the distant cosmos with exquisite clarity. Recent years have seen the field of optics be transformed with the development of new materials that can manipulate light in ways that cannot be done in nature. These so-called metamaterials are bending the rules of light and providing the prospect of new functional optical technology. Optics covers a very large area and is undergoing indisputable growth. It has enabled the development of a significant number of instruments, the optical component or methodology of which is often the essential part of portent systems. This book sets out show how optical physical phenomena such as lasers – the basis of instruments of measurement – are involved in the fields of biology and medicine.

This text “Theory, Practice and Techniques in optics & physics” gives students from fundamental ideas to the most modern developments in optics. It is concerned with recent developments in the general area of optical physics. The text begins with the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Further it succeeds with wave optics representing corresponding points of a wave that vibrate in unison as well as applications of Faraday Law and Biot-Savart and Ampere’s Laws are discussed. The phenomenon of polarization and reflection of light by spherical mirrors are also described. Additionally, it also reveals on the mathematical model of coherence theory which is very successful in describing the effects of this unknown waveform on the observed measurement of time-averaged intensity. The book closes with a chapter on optical instruments which processes light wave to enhance an image for more clear view such as telescopes are important tools in astronomy, or the study of planets, stars, and other objects in outer space.