
Elementary Zoology

Elementary Zoology

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  • Description
  • About the Editor
    • Provides elementary introduction and concepts
    • Provides a beginner s guide to zoology, from simple life forms to more sophisticated vertebrates.
    • Teaches the structure and function of the major animal groups

Zoology is the scienti c study of the characteristics and classi cation of animals. It is one of the branches of
biology, and therefore it is also referred to as animal biology. There are several sub-branches within this  eld,
including ethology, zoography, and anthrozoology. Additionally, zoologists often specialize in the study of
speci c types of animals. For instance, an ornithologist studies birds, while a mammologist studies mammals.
As zoology is a very interdisciplinary subject, there are a number of related  elds, including taxonomy, paleontology, and evolutionary biology. Cell biology studies the structural and physiological properties of cells, including their behavior, interactions, and environment. Physiology studies the mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes of living organisms by attempting to understand how all of the structures function as a whole whereas evolutionary biology is concerned with the origin and descent of species, as well as their change over time, and includes scientists from many taxonomically oriented disciplines.